Ritz-Carlton-Beijing, where the magic never ends - Food and Wine Gala Dinner

Remember when you would dress up as a child and go to visit family on a Sunday afternoon? A time when you would wear your best shoes because you were going to a special place? Remember when life was not as casual as it is today and you would take extra time, looking in the mirror a little longer, making sure everything is in place? Remember when you would look forward to going to a restaurant with mummy and daddy because you would be allowed to sit at the big table? Or how about going to a classical music concert, again wearing your finest? We have lost that to a large extent. Life, now, is about convenience, isn't it? It is what I call the 'just add water and stir' culture where we cannot be bothered with the process; the ritual. It is about t-shirts and shorts at every opportunity. We have lost the magic. 

Thankfully, there is still The Ritz-Carlton. The name always intimidated me. However, it represented something to which one could aspire. I want to use the words whimsical, mythological and magical when I talk about The Ritz. 

The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, recently hosted the China Central Food and Wine Festival, a Gala Dinner that celebrated the collaboration between associated restaurants and The Ritz Carlton, Beijing: ATTA BJ, Beijing Yan, Da Dong, Rong Pao, Wolfgang and Yotsuba. Set in the luscious surrounds of the Ritz Garden, we celebrated Summer while enjoying bubbles and some beautifully crafted cocktails and mocktails, while trying some exquisite dishes. Tonight, I will look for the magic. 

Walking through the Ritz Garden arch makes me feel I am in a fairy tale, stepping into a secret garden. That is a warm feeling, especially in a world that is becoming more and more cynical. After some pleasantries, we start off with some canapés ranging from  a delightful Ritz Boston lobster and champagne jelly to Yotsuba's Matcha pudding, to a couple canapés by Rong Pao. There is something very decadent and indulgent about standing in the Ritz Garden with a glass of Cava, people watching and taking in the old adage that life is for living - this moment certainly serves as a reminder of that.  If ever you want to judge service, attend an event where you feel the Summer heat but the waiting staff, ladies and gentlemen as they are known by The Ritz, continue serving tirelessly. 

Upon being seated in anticipation of the start of dinner, my search for the magic continues. I look around and see polite chatter as strangers meet. This is always a challenge at these events - meeting people for the first time. However, it does not take long for chatter to grow into meaningful conversations as guests start to relax and service moves into full swing. The magic continues. At one end of the table, I hear laughter. At another I hear the clinking of glasses. It occurs to me that this is the power of hospitality - over fabulous dishes and drinks, strangers meet and start a journey of discovery. Friends become deeper friends and soul mates continue to find common ground, scaling unimagined new heights. This is the magic, and this evening, at the centre of it all,  is The Ritz, weaving its spell and creating happiness. 

My musings are interrupted by an awareness of the slickness of the service. My guest and I have the good fortune of being served by May, who faultlessly eases through her routine of serving, clearing and topping up drinks. But to be fair, she is ably supported by her colleagues who  are doing the same for other guests. It is at this moment that I am reminded of the role that serving staff perform at an event like this- it is a lot more than what is mentioned above. They are an extension of the chefs. They have the power to ensure that the chef's vision of a dish reaches completion with the guest's last mouthful - at any moment, that process can be messed up by a server. They really are essential elements in the magic factory this evening. 

What about the dishes? Any stand outs for me? Oh it is a tough one, right? We all have our favourites and it is highly subjective, but I enjoyed ATTA BJ's Foie gras terrine with pistachio, 5J ham, brioche and black cheery for its complexity and use of classic elements. The terrine had texture and that typical sweet-sour something I like, this time in the form of black cherry. Nicely done. Also, Beijing Yan's Scallop meatball soup - a beautiful consommé of delicate contrasts of scallop and peas. Finally, two main dishes leave an impression - First, Da Dong's  Roast duck with garlic butter and caviar. The key is that skin which covers a perfectly cooked piece of duck full of flavour and moisture. Add some Kaluga caviar and I am not going to complain. 

However, my dish of the night, presented by The Ritz-Carlton Beijing,  has to be the Poached Cod fillet, swimming in a sea of clam velouté - very French. The soul of cod is that natural good oiliness with which it is imbued. Over cook it and you maim that soul. An unexpected surprise is the piece of clam that sits atop the cod, providing visual and flavour contrast, with the clam having a delicious sourness to it, juxtaposing the sweetness of the cod. Bravo! 

One of the things I appreciate about the wine pairing is the generous flow. On the evening we are able to enjoy some lovely Spanish wines, including a Cava Brut and a surprisingly good Pinot Noir Rosé, as well as  and smart use of a classic white wine, Wu Liang Ye. Overall, kudos to the sponsors for ensuring that the wine kept flowing like the Yangtze. #LifeIsMoreBeautifulWithWine

As the evening comes to an end and guests start leaving, approval for the evening seems to be echoed by the heavens as it starts raining. #Blessings. Before the first drops of rain though, I am able to reflect on what I can only describe as an incredible evening, from the dishes, organisation and lovely people. Looking around I can see happy faces and exuberant smiles. Why the smiles, laughter and warm hugs around me? It  is about that word again - magic. The Ritz magic ensured that we all felt like princes and princesses. This is something The Ritz does so well. Regardless of your background or struggles,  when you walk through the doors of the Ritz, there is a transformation and happiness becomes infectious. Ritz magic.  There is no yesterday or tomorrow. Just the moment. Just nowness. Just this moment of joy. Ritz-Carlton magic. That is the almost myth-like power they have and as I watch some guests leave, I see a guest gingerly holding her dress so as not to stumble, a throwback to the days of style and elegance, when people took effort. It is good to know that there is a haven here for ritual, style and fairy tales, here at The Ritz-Cartlton, Beijing. 

The Ritz Carlton-Beijing

83A Jian Guo Road, China Central place



Ritz-Carlton, Beijing
